
SSML Gregorio VII Erasmus+

| Erasmus charter for higher education 2014-2020 (PDF) |

| SSML Gregorio VII ECHE-LP-2020 |


| ERASMUS Scheda Trasferimento CFU |


The Erasmus+ programme is managed by the European Commission (the EU's executive body), the Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), a series of National Agencies in Programme countries, and a series of National Offices in some Partner countries.

Erasmus+ is the European Commission's Programme for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014–2020, succeeding the previous Lifelong Learning Programme (2007 - 2014). As an integrated programme, Erasmus+ offers more opportunities for mobility of learners and staff and cooperation across the education, training and youth sectors and is easier to access than its predecessors, with simplified funding rules and a structure which aims to streamline the administration of the programme.


Application form

Come ottenere una Borsa Erasmus+

Partecipa al Bando

Ogni A/A entro febbraio viene pubblicato il Bando per le Borse di Studio e Tirocinio Erasmus+, i vincitori potranno trascorrere da tre a dodici mesi in un istituto partner dei 27 in Europa per studio o dai due ai sei mesi presso aziende europee per lavoro (traineeship).
Partecipa alle giornate di orientamento che si terranno tra novembre e gennaio prossimi.

Scarica il Bando Erasmus (PDF) |



Welcome to our Erasmus+ Programme

About us

Institute at University Level SSML GREGORIO VII Rome for the Bachelor Degree L/12 Curricula for Interpreters and Translators

The SSML "GREGORIO VII" in Rome offers a Bachelor's Degree in multilingual Media and Interdisciplinary Communication CLASS L-12(Course of Study Interpreters and Translators). The SSML "Gregory VII" in Rome boasts of a tradition of 25 years of success, testified by the very high rate of employed graduates: more than 90% of our graduates find a stable job within six months after their graduation. Our Institute is located in P.S. Mancini 2, in the city centre of the city not far from Piazza del Popolo, the historical heart of the eternal city and a neighbourhood also full of international social life and frequented by many students and young people.

What is the Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.
Set to last until 2020, Erasmus+ doesn't just have opportunities for students. Merging seven prior programmes, it has opportunities for a wide variety of individuals and organisations.

Detailed information on these opportunities, including eligibility criteria, is available in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide. An indicative funding guide for some centralised opportunities is also available.




I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm.
Saint Augustine of Hippo



The Aim of the Erasmus+

The aim of Erasmus+ is to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU's strategic framework for education and training.

Erasmus+ also aims to promote the sustainable development of its partners in the field of higher education, and contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy.

Specific issues tackled by the programme include:


Studying at SSML Gregorio VII in Rome - Staff training or teaching at SSML Gregorio VII

An Erasmus+Mobility at SSML Gregorio VII in Rome? Have you been nominated from your sending Institution for an Erasmus+ Mobility for Studying, Traineeship, Training or Teaching?

Please fill in the Application Form below and our Erasmus+Office will answer as soon as possible.


Application form




Study or Traineeship for Students - Teaching or Training for Staff
Erasmus+ Mobility for Studying, Traineeship, Training or Teaching?

Please fill in the Application Form for the Erasmus+ Call for Proposals for the next Academic Year.
Scarica il bando da questo Link

Le graduatorie verranno pubblicate entro febbraio prossimo, I vincitori dovranno compilare i seguenti moduli:

Student Mobility for Studies
Learning Agreement da compilarsi a cura dello Studente (Download)
Contratto da compilarsi a cura dello Studente (Download)
Certificato da compilarsi a cura dell'Istituto ospitante (Download)

Student Mobility for Traineeships
Learning Agreement da compilarsi a cura dello Studente (Download)
Contratto da compilarsi a cura dello Studente (Download)
Certificato da compilarsi a cura dell'Istituto ospitante (Download)

Staff mobility for Teaching
Learning Agreement da compilarsi a cura del docente (Download)
Contratto da compilarsi a cura del docente (Download)
Certificato da compilarsi a cura dell'Istituto ospitante (Download)

Staff mobility for Training
Learning Agreement da compilarsi a cura dell'interessato (Download)
Contratto da compilarsi a cura dell'interessato (Download)
Certificato da compilarsi a cura dell'Istituto ospitante (Download)

For accommodation please contact our partner uniplace

Application form


Where to study in Europe


Universities in Europe

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, the European Commission has allocated a contribution to the SSML Gregory VII for the implementation of the internationalization at academic level. The SSML Gregorio VII implements the exchange of students on the basis of bilateral Agreements stipulated with the following Institutes and Universities in Europe:

  • Università TU-Dresden, Dresda, Germania
  • Università Innsbruck, Austria
  • Università Lille 3, Lille, Francia
  • Istituto Georges-Frêche, Montpelier, Francia
  • Istituto CCI, Nîmes, Francia
  • Università Pablo de Olavide, Siviglia, Spagna
  • Università La Coruña, Spagna
  • Università UNED, Madrid, Spagna
  • Università City of Glasgow College, Inghilterra
  • Università Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Scoala Natională de studii Politice si Administrative, Bucarest, Romania
  • Università University of Theassaly, Volos, Grecia
  • Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, Guarda, Portogallo
  • Università Zara, Croazia
  • Università Spalato, Croazia
  • Università Necmettin Erbakan University, Konia, Turchia
  • Università Kodolányi János, Budapest, Ungheria
  • Università di Innsbruck


My Erasmus Experiences

Teachers say

@cinzia pierantonelli
Before, you might imagine ...
You might ask yourself what an Erasmus INTENSIVE PROGRAMME is
What is the real meaning of an Erasmus PROGRAMME? Who are the subjects involved in it? And so on … Many people know about Erasmus and that for example the programme has to do with other countries, with a journey abroad, with a stay abroad, with foreign languages, students and teachers. Yes, it is a short period spent far from your family and friends, in a place where you probably haven't been before and where probably the climate is so different that indeed you could feel an "alien"! It is a short period in which you can have great fun together with a lot of other students who, like you, are looking for more internationalization of their education, looking for a different way to learn and study a specific topic in a multi-academic environment and outside their academic course of study. The key-words are: more friends, more knowledge, more culture, new context, new teachers, new university, new topics, new fellows, new languages, new customs and traditions, and of course much more! How does an IP come to life? Every year there is a call for proposals published by the Erasmus Agency. A coordinator, in our case the undersigned, develops the idea in a project and fills the form (about 40 pages) in. After about four months, the Agency publishes the winners of the projects. If you are one of them, the IP comes true and the coordinator can start running it.

If you would like to join the project, you must realize that you have to work very hard before, during and after the Erasmus INTENSIVE PROGRAMME because it is NOT just a holiday but a special didactic programme. It means that you have a lot of duties such as attending lessons, seminars and workshops, participating in social programmes, preparing presentations, and taking part in other practical activities. What about your spare time? You can join your friends, go dancing or sightseeing or just wander around aimlessly!

After, you might use the "visioning"
During the first few days of the IP you might think how weird, unusual, quite different everything is, because things appear so unusual before we get to know them better! So at first you might think: actually I thought this, actually I thought that … everybody has a different idea about what it is going to be like, about what the new learning experience actually means.

And you have a can wait and enjoy, wait and get bored, wait and act, wait and react, wait and learn, wait and get curious …or you can decide not to wait anymore and do, speak, answer, prepare, socialize...
Let's read the definition of the word "Visioning": mental process in which images of the desired future (goals, objectives, out comes) are made intensely real and compelling to act as motivators for the present action.

Great! So I hope that you will keep in mind your "visioning"!

Regardless of what somebody has been saying, I'm proud of you all! Prof. Cinzia Pierantonelli Erasmus Intensive Programme Coordinator



My Erasmus Experiences

Students say

@Azucena Huelmos Ferrero
The Erasmus Intensive Programe from my point of view has been a wonderful and enriching experience. In this course, not only did I practice English language but I also learned to understand our own cultural identity, and I realised that we tend to judge other people from our own perspective, and after this course this has been the start of being able to view the world differently. Besides, I have known the true reality of London city, not only that portrayed on postcards, but the reality of everyday life in disadvantaged areas. I strongly believe this is a good lesson in life. This programe, with different ideas in each session though the photograpy and varied activities made me engage and challenge what I know about the usuage of the language and other cultures and people. In this programe I adopted a positive and active role and I increase my learning in addition I enjoyed it a lot. I will never forget these days. If I had to sum up this course in a few words they would be: learning, achievement and broadening of the horizons.

@Dionisia Colafrancesco, Ilenia Colucci, Roberta Comazzetto, Martina Lavezzi
La serata internazionale organizzata alla Goldsmiths University ha centrato l'obiettivo di unire tutti i partecipanti al Programma intorno al tema della conoscenza reciproca attraverso il cibo. Piatti e sapori tipici provenienti dalla Spagna, dall'Ungheria, dalla Germania e dalla Polonia ci hanno inebriato i sensi. La serata ha, inoltre, reso possibile l'affiatamento di tutto il gruppo attraverso canti e danze popolari. Questa esperienza ci ha fatto sentire parte di una comunità grande e variegata e ci ha permesso di capire quanto sia prioritario il dialogo tra culture diverse, al fine di accrescere la consapevolezza di essere cittadini del mondo. Riteniamo che quest'ultima sia fondamentale se vogliamo ridurre i divari che ci separano dalle altre culture e sviluppare un maggiore senso di appartenenza globale. Siamo fortemente convinti che questo tipo di esperienza sia utile a capire l'importanza del tema del rispetto dell'identità, propria come altrui. Crediamo che tutti i cittadini debbano essere liberi di scegliere il luogo in cui costruire la propria vita, sicuri che dignità e diritti siano tutelati. In questo modo chiunque, indipendentemente dal Paese di provenienza, può continuare a sognare e a lavorare perché quei sogni diventino realtà.

Application form


I saw, my Erasmus Experience abroad


Erasmus+? Easy to join, easy to live

Ideal for learning or improving foreign languages
The best way to do what you like to do abroad
An Experience which will be unique for you and a special souvenir lifelong
A perfect way to be part of a company in EU, work and acquire professional competences


Paris - September 2018

A woderful city



Cluj-Napoca - March 2015

Cool and



Berlin - November 2017

Mega cool and easy


Sevilla - September 2018

What a fantastic world



When and How to apply

Erasmus+ Mobility for Study and Traineeship

Our Erasmus+ office directed by Prof. Cinzia Pierantonelli organizes orientation meetings for scholarships or traineeships every November, December and January. The Erasmus Call for Proposals is published at the end of January and the rankings are published by March.




Application form




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Il processo, interamente online, consente agli studenti di affittare un posto letto, una stanza o un intero appartamento in modo sicuro: grazie alle foto di qualità e alle descrizioni dettagliate, Uniplaces garantisce la presenza di tutte le informazioni necessarie per permettere ai ragazzi di scegliere e decidere consapevolmente senza doversi spostare con settimane di anticipo.
Uniplaces crea l'esperienza di affitto ideale per tutti: si appresta infatti a diventare la piattaforma numero uno per soggiorni a medio e lungo termine a livello mondiale.



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